One of the big messages from the potty training book that we were using for guidance was staying consistent and confident. I would say that our consistency was excellent, but confidence is a strange mistress. My wife definitely struggled with it as he was consistently and confidently peeing on the floor. But my strength in this area is that I don't care. Like, he's a kid, and he's peeing on the floor. I'd rather he didn't, but the downside is cleaning up pee and moving on. I didn't have expectations so nothing ever disappointed me. My wife thought he would be fully potty trained in one month, where I didn't have an idea until she asked me, and I thought three months would be at the low end. I didn't know or care how long it normally takes, because all that matters is how long it takes my child.
The other thing that helped with confidence was finding little victories throughout the day. We were learning more about him every day. We were looking for his body or face to change before going pee, but we learned that it was positional changes that would usually give us an indicator of him possibly peeing. He was usually standing and would have his back facing us. This was good news as it meant that him peeing was not a dominance move that he was trying to become the alpha of the house.
Day four started off with a positive. He peed early in the morning, but when I picked him up, he actually stopped peeing and then resumed once we made it to the potty. That's a big time win. To celebrate, we went for a walk where he finally got to put some pants on (no diaper), and celebrate with some fresh air and freedom. Honestly, we all needed it.
Apparently, he loved the celebration, because it got to 3:00 and he hadn't peed again outside of his nap. I am on constant high alert, but it's clear he has a much stronger bladder than his Dadder (a reach, but I stand by the rhyme).
It's 3:30, and I'm now up 3-0 on afternoon pees. Wait, should I see a doctor about this?
It's now 3:45, and the suspense for him finally peeing is giving me anxiety.
My wife takes over at 4:00. She decides she isn't waiting for this pee so she puts pants on him to go outside at 4:05. He pees at 4:07. He pees a lot.
But overall, this was pretty big progress. He had incredible control of his bladder, and we had some slight success with him pausing his pee to give me time to get pee into the potty. That meant it was time for the next step. He was no longer going to be nude from the waist down as he would get to wear pants with no diapers.
I'll admit, I was a little hesitant, because I felt like we were getting to a good spot with my little nudist boy, but that comfort needed to vanish in pursuit of progress. This was going to add new challenges to the day, but it was challenges we would face together.